What is the difference between traditional air conditioners and water evaporative air cooler?

What is the difference between traditional air conditioners and water evaporative air cooler?

Different cooling methods:

1. Traditional air-conditioning cooling method: The overall cooling by air circulation must be in a relatively sealed environment to achieve good results. If the environment is not sealed enough, the cooling effect cannot be expected and will increase energy consumption.

2. Air cooler cooling method: positive pressure cooling, using the cool air blown by the air cooler to get the high temperature and sultry air out the workshop from the doors, windows, ventilation fans and other places. so that the workshop is always kept clean, cool and comfortable. Air quality without peculiar smell. Air cooler cool for open and semi-open space.

Second, the cooling medium and core components are different:

1. Traditional air conditioners include four major components, compressor, condenser, throttling device, and evaporator. The refrigerant circulates in the above four components in turn to blow out the cold air.

2. The evaporative air cooler adopts the principle of water evaporation effect, and the cooling function is realized by the physical phenomenon of water evaporation to take away the air heat. The core component is cooling pad.  When the whole cooling pad is evenly wet from top to bottom, the fan will generate negative pressure in the machine, forcing the unsaturated outside fresh hot air to flow through the porous wet water cooling pad. The surface of the air conditioner converts a large amount of damp heat in the air into latent heat, so that the air entering the machine  decreases from the dry bulb temperature to the wet bulb temperature, which increases the humidity of the air, making the dry hot air into clean cool cold air, and then by Air supply ducts deliver cool air to every area of ​​the workshop that needs to be cooled, so that everyone can enjoy clean and cool fresh air with air cooler.

air cooler


Post time: May-31-2022