XIKOO Sharing: Evaporative air cooler stable operation is inseparable from daily maintenance

In the field of evaporation and cooling for more than two decades, XIKOO has been developing a broader market with its own technical advantages and production advantages, and strives to make Chinese manufacturing evaporation and cooling products. accomplish.
Good equipment quality still needs to focus on maintenance. Quickly improve the plant environment and achieve ventilation and cooling, dust suppression and taste, which is achieved by the normal operation of each device of the air -conditioning system. We only have to do a good job in the management of evaporative air -conditioning equipment and the correct operation of the use and use cycle in the process of use. Maintenance, and the monitoring of the air conditioner must be meticulous, so that under maintenance, the air conditioner is in a normal performance state, so that the air -conditioning function can be continuously operated and stable.

Main daily maintenance
1. Wash the Evaporative air cooler sink. Open the drain valve and rinse it with tap water; if there are more dust or debris, you can take it out first, and then rinse with tap water.
2. Wash the evaporate filter, that is, wet curtain. Remove the wet curtain and rinse it with tap water. If there is a material that is difficult to rinse on the wet curtain, you can soak it with tap water first, and then spray the cleaning solution on the wet curtain. Rinse with tap water until the impurities on the wet curtain can be separated.
3. Evaporate air -conditioning machine for a long time. First, turn off the water source valve of the air -conditioning machine, remove the wet curtain, and at the same time drain the water in the water sink to completely clean the air -conditioning sink. After cleaning, install the wet curtain, turn on the refrigerator, and send the air for 5 minutes to 8 minutes. After the wet curtain blows dry, turn off the total power supply of the refrigerator.

1. When cleaning the Evaporative air cooler, it should completely disconnect the main power of the cold fan, and hang the “maintenance and prohibit use” sign at the control switch to avoid people by mistake and cause danger.
2. Carefully remove the wet curtain when cleaning and evaporating the air cooler. Do not be too high when rinse, so as to prevent wet wet curtains, and no corrosive chemicals can be placed, so as not to corrode the wet curtain.
3. When operating at high altitude, you must tie a seat belt to ensure safety. Please pay attention to whether the water inlet and drainage pipes are well connected before use, otherwise the leakage may cause damage to other equipment or products.
4. During the operation of this machine, do not disassemble the evaporator, top cover and other machine accessories. If the machine needs to be maintained and maintained, the power should be cut off first, otherwise the machine may cause damage or casualties.
5. Check the motor condition when installing. Do not use the insurance line or other metal wires with incorrect capacity.
6. In order to ensure the cooling effect, the filter can be considered in areas where air is turbid.
7. For places with strict requirements for humidity and temperature, professionals should be asked for guidance to use.

The correct use and careful maintenance of equipment are important parts of equipment management. Correct use of equipment can maintain the equipment in a good technical state, prevent abnormal wear and sudden failures, extend the service life, and improve the usage rate. Through the careful maintenance of the equipment, it can improve the technical status of the equipment and delay the degradation process of the equipment, thereby ensuring the safe operation of the equipment and improving the economic benefits of the enterprise.


Post time: Dec-20-2023